Saturday, March 23, 2013


Thank God is Friday! or rather Saturday. What's your weekends like? My kind of weekends used to party all day long, coming home in the wee hours with all the cig and alochol smell. But now, not anymore. I still miss going to club enjoying myself with the awesome music and dancefloor. <3 I don't have the urge to go there as often as before.

Are you wondering why I suddenly talk about this? I'm just being random. Since I had no plans and got nothing much to do on a Friday night so I read my old blog posts.I realised the amount posts that consists of work rants and after party posts really too much. I need to chill and stop doing all this. I'm freaking 22 this year and I haven't success in much of my goals. I've yet to travel much around the world to see things I never get to see in Singapore. I love experiencing different lifestyles and cultures. That's why I'm in the airline industry. I also enjoy meeting new people, new friends. I have friends from many different parts of the world. I'm really blessed to have those wonder friends all over the world to share their lifestyles and about their countries. I enjoy listening to their stories. You gotta have the passions in order to enjoy it.

If you read my posts, you will know about my planned trip to Seoul in 8days time. It's not my first time to Seoul but is my first time going free&easy at Seoul. It's a self-challenge to overcome everything. Be it the communication, traveling around and be independent in everything. I did countless time in Bangkok ( probably because bangkok is tourist-friendly.) I love the friendliness of people in bangkok and I'm sure koreans are friendly as well. Can't wait. Are you being excited for me too? I'll try to get myself a laptop as soon as I come back from Seoul inorder for me to upload and update on my trip.

Aside from my excitment for my holiday trip to Seoul, my worries for next coming appointment with my specialist doctor is killing. Finally, the forgetful/lazy me called to make appointment with doctor for discussion of my surgery. Mum had hers done today and the pain she went through was crazy( as per what she said). I'm worried but I believe and pray God will be there and take those pains away. A little details if you do not whats with my hand. Last year July, I met in an accident during work and caused my thumb ligament tore plus fracture. I went through months of pain before the doctor finalise with me the result and advised on surgery. Surgery was not the only way out but I guess that's the best. It may not recover fully after it but I'm still willing to try for the sake of my future and myself. I'm thankful for people who care and concerned for me. I'll stay strong and pull through.

Alright, it's getting real late. Time for bed. Goodnight to my lovely readers. <3

For you, my readers. (There's no wrong being vain.)

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